wiring overflow switch of condensate pump for TrueSteam humidifier

Feb 24, 2011
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I just installed a TrueSteam humidifier. It drains to a condensate pump which has a safety switch to detect an overflow. My question is how best to wire this to the TrueSteam?

My TS has DIP4 set to DOWN so that it monitors the furnaces R line for power. I spliced the condensate pump's safety swtich in between here. The thinking being, that normally the switch is closed and so TS is monitoring the furnace for 24V power. If the pump overflows, it will disrupt this and TS will shutdown. In essesne, either a pump overflow or no power to the furnae will shut down the TS.

the problem is that TS keeps going in error code 7 which is "no hvac power". i'm wondering if i wired this wrong. or if there is another problem.

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