Weird white colouring on my new bricks

Mar 6, 2018
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Recently had a building built in my garden. For a few months there was no gutters so alot of water went onto to the brcisk that wasnt protected. As you can see the bottom 3 rows above the engineering bricks are white. Those 3 bricks were very muddy at one point, i hosed it down a lot too. Thinking it was salt as it has started to dry out i put a bit of white vinegar mix with water onto it, it makes it look better but then goes back to this. Its cold in England at moment, maybe the summer will sort this out? Any advice at all please?


Dec 22, 2017
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It is common for that to show up on brick walls. They call it efflorescence, and the cure for it is to clean it with a wire brush using a 10 to 1 mixture of water and muriatic acid.
Dec 19, 2010
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Yes, as cornbelt says, it's dissolved salts in the bricks or mortar, mainly calcium salts, that appear when a dry period follows a wet one.
In 1986 when I bought a new build house and got that problem, the builder said it would disappear in a few years. His idea of a few years and mine are a bit different as 30-years on, it still happens.
A lot depends on the subsoil if it's in contact with the wall. On chalk subsoil, learn to live with it.
Muriatic acid is the old name for hydrochloric acid - very nasty corrosive liquid - and is used to dissolve unwanted mortar stains, but beware, it reacts with the calcium carbonate in the cement, soaks into the bricks, then reappears as white staining.
Badly stored bricks, sand with high levels of salts all cause staining.

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