Downlighter 12v GU4 Halogen - removal

Aug 31, 2022
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United Kingdom
I have three halogen downlighters installed above the bathroom wash basin. They are 12v GU4 fittings installed in 60mm cutouts. I intend replacing them with equivalent LEDs.

I have removed the lower bezel and the top cover but cannot find out how to remove the fittings. They are not secured by screws or spring clips. It was suggested they might be held in place with concealed springs but I don't wish to damage anything by trying to force them out.

I attach pics from underneath and on top. Has anyone come across this type of fitting and can advise me how to safely remove them?


Dec 19, 2010
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Most downlighters are designed to be pushed through the correct sized hole in the ceiling or other surface.
The hole cutout will be large enough to push the folded springs though which then spring back against the plasterboard or whatever.
To remove, simply get one edge pulled a bit, then the opposite side and wiggle the thing out.
You can quite often see where the springs are.
Your second image is a bit fuzzy, but it looks like chipboard.
Is it the base of a wall unit?
Most downlighter are designed for 12.5-mm plasterboard, but if the chipboard is thicker then the springs might not have operated correctly.
It's just as well you are removing the halogens as they are a definite fire risk with the heat.
I don't think I would be using halogens or even LEDs anywhere near flammables.
LED striplights can be fitted under units, but do checkout the electrical regs for bathroom use.
Aug 31, 2022
Reaction score
United Kingdom
Thanks for your full response. I think it is chipboard and it bridges two small cabinets in the bathroom, the lights shining down over the washbasin area

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