Briggs and Stratton Flojet Carb

Jun 26, 2021
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United States
Recently picked up a late 60s Snow Hound snow blower powered by around 2.5 hp BS engine. 75psi compression, good spark. Ran for about 1/2 hour then quit.
I rebuilt the carb. I tried starting to no avail. Adjusted idle and saturation as per spec. Started at 1.5 turns. Will not run. I pulled idle jet and cleaned w/c cleaner. I gave it a jerk and it took right off. High speed adjust has no effect when adjusted. When I place oil bath on it quits. I pulled carb and I am soaking in pinesol. 50/50 water. I seated saturation several times as described on youtube. Tube looks good w/no scratches and etc. Anyone have any suggestions. Have $65 into it at this point.
Nov 13, 2018
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Warrenton, North Carolina USA
If I were going to work on it I would
1. Remove the gas tank, clean it and seal it with a gas tank sealer
2. Replace the gas line and gas filter
3. Take the carb apart and be sure it didn’t ingest some crud

Remember that this motor was built to run on gas with lead additive and no ethanol. There is a big difference with today’s fuel.
Jul 28, 2021
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United States
You said you "re-built the carb" then you said your not done cleaning it yet. These two stories don't match up.

An auto-shop would have a solvent bath / parts bath to soak a carb in.

In general, if cleaning without the above, one would use carb cleaner ONLY ON THE INSIDE of the carb (in intake while running) never on the outside.

Using (carb cleaner spray) on the outside would cause any moving parts on the outside to allow "gum" into the carb and make moving parts stick. At that point you'd need an over-night in a proper pro solvent bath to hope to cure it.

Pinesol? i doubt it. Youtube? definitely doubt it.

You said "it never started"

we have: fuel, air, spark

you have not said you insured fuel got to the cylinder

you have not said if there are any air leaks (the carbeurator intake, when installed, must be leak free and it's a very tight seal you need - but it NOT by over-tightening screws it's by new gasket)

you haven't said you insured there is spark

so ... until i hear you are 100% on air and spark - i'm not going to say why doesn't the carb works
Jul 28, 2021
Reaction score
United States
new carbs aren't expensive. new B&S aren't expensive for that matter. new snow blower? expensive.

you could take that carb with you to an auto dealer, walk up to a mechanic and say: hey - for $10 will you put this in your parts bath over night for me? running?

(the parts bath uses heated and circulated solvent, hopefully clean solvent unless the shop is run-amuck, and runs over-night. they aren't used as much as they used to be because re-builds aren't done as often these days.)

$65 into it ? on what? that's too bad that's 1/2 the cost of a B&S replacement that would be more powerful. sorry to hear that. we live we learn

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